Workshop InformationEmbodying Eldership (2 days)
Themes include: being embodied, body as resource, grounding, spontaneity (and its barriers: shame; self-consciousness; inhibition; the inner critic) and starting to build relationships within the participant group.
This workshop will draw upon different forms of creative self-expression to invite movement from self-consciousness to awareness; and from intellectualisation to embodiment. Facilitators: Hayley Stevens and Owen Stevens Workshops drawing primarily on Process Oriented Psychology:
Rank, Power and Privilege (1 day)
This workshop introduces the process work concept of the word ‘rank’ which describes our power and privilege. Power is not static - our experience of ourselves changes with context and even from moment to moment within an interaction. Understanding power and privilege helps us to understand and facilitate conflict. In this workshop, we will explore how to recognise different roles in power dynamics and how to facilitate ourselves within those dynamics. Questions to consider:
Uncertainty (Eldership beyond the known) (1 day)
This workshop is about the value of not knowing - which offers the potential to learn, to discover something new, to expand our awareness, to see what is in front of us rather than what we expect to see.
Questions to consider:
Facilitating our own conflict (2 days)
Conflict can be frightening. Many of us have seen conflicts escalate, have been in conflicts that repeat or escalate, or have never seen a conflict resolved fruitfully.
A conflict well facilitated can not only defuse the situation but can be transformative - deepening our understanding of one another and thus our relationships. In this workshop, we will explore skills for facilitating ourselves in conflict with other people (as opposed to facilitating conflicts between others when we are not involved). Questions to consider:
Connecting inner work and Worldwork (2 days)
Groups and Facilitation (2 days)
Facilitation can be helpful in all contexts where people come together and need not be a formal role. Wherever we sit with other people, we have an opportunity to support deeper dialogue and understanding. This workshop introduces skills to support this kind of intervention in our lives. - families, communities, teams, and organisations. Questions to consider:
the big room cic | reg 12009089 | reg in england & wales | registered office: wood street mill, 45 pickford street, macclesfield, cheshire, sk11 6hb
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